I just want to give a free plug to a fantastic place that I detoured to on my way home from a work roadtrip on Tuesday. It is called Hosta Choice Gardens and it is located in Appin (about 1/2 hour west of London). They easily have the best selection of hostas that I have ever seen. I also really like that they have a great way to view the hostas; they have a woodland type setting and I don't think I would be exaggerating to say that they probably have near a thousand or more hostas on display and tagged. The great thing is that you can see what the plant will look like at full size. I find that a lot of times with hostas you also get some colour change as the plant matures, so you can see what the colour will be as the plant gets older as well.
All in all a great place. Unfortunately they are closed after this weekend. I only walked away with one lonely Abiqua Drinking Gourd (I know...boring) but if I have time this weekend I will take Nina and the kids out for a drive.
If you get the chance check it out...you will not be disappointed.