
Welcome to my blog. Here I have tried to capture the adventures of our little family and the trials and tribulations of our never ending garden project(s). Take a look around and leave a comment if you wish. Thanks for stopping by. Jer.


Oh, the humanity!!

Liv learns the hard way that Ben's bike is not meant for off-roading.

Slip slidin' away...

Almost to the top

Daddy Daycare

Today the babysitter was sick so I got to stay home with the kids. It was a beautiful sunny day and unusually warm for November (14ยบ C!!) So we decided to go to the park and then on to Timmy's for a snack.
Of course Ben got tired of pedaling his bike so I had to push Liv in the stroller, carry his bike and hold his hand all the way back...needless to say it was nap time for everyone when we got home.


The last soldiers of summer...

Maple leaves on the path

I love the contrast of the deep red japanese maple leaves against the light pebbles on our front path.

More autumn colour...

Today started out as a beautiful sunny November Saturday...then the clouds overtook the sun and it turned c-c-c-c-cold. Well at least it's not raining or snowing. The pictures today are of the seed heads on our Miscanthus floridulus 'Giganteus' (Giant Chinese Silver Grass). This year it got about 10 feet tall. The other photo is of the hydrangea by the kid's playset.


In the name of "science"

Despite the pre teen antics shown in this video, I actually am 30 years old..


This was a great day at work!

Autumn colours...

We haven't had a very nice fall this year...a lot of rain. I had meant to get out to take more pictures of the plants in the yard in their fall colours but after the two weeks of steady rain there aren't many leaves left...so this is what I managed to capture today while the sun peeked out.

The top picture is a flowering cabbage. The photo below shows the brilliant red leaves of our first japanese maple (Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Inaba Shidare') that we purchased this year.