
Wonder what she is wishing for...


Summer reading

This is one that I picked up on a whim. The funny thing is that I after I was about half way thru I asked my brother if had read any good books lately, and he had just finished reading the same thing...maybe there really is something to this shared DNA thing.
The book itself is a bit of a mind job (ie a conceptual shark that lives in the rivers of data and information in the world) but great for summer reading.

Backyard plan - Iteration 23,589 or something like that

The oft changed plan for the blank slate that is the backyard...


Rub a dub dub....

...three crazy dudes in the tub!(well, two dudes and one dude-ette).


Just chill-axing.

I love Kijiji

This past Saturday Nina found someone on Kijiji (free local online classified website) giving away free trees. I had no idea that it would be this big! It was a bit of an ordeal digging it out by hand and planting it the same night, but worth it. I hope it takes the transplant OK; I inadvertantly cut a couple of the roots when digging it up but it seems to be doing OK other than a couple drooping candles on the top. I have been giving it lots to drink every day and the rain has helped as well...not sure how long it will take to let me know whether it is going to make it or not, so for now it is a waiting game. The same lady had another White Pine a little smaller than this one and a Blue Spruce probably about 14 feet tall but I did not have the room or the back to tackle those.
The spruce in this picture is a Baby Blue Spruce...supposed to stay fairly narrow and get about 18' tall.

Emperor 1

New Japanese Maple planted off what will be the corner of the deck...wood gets delivered on Friday. I love the glow that comes thru the leaves in the evening.

Take your pick

Lots of choices for the birds. I am trying to attract Blue Jays and Cardinals with the new tray feeder (closest). So far we get a lot of Red Wing Blackbirds and Finches.


Summer storms

Another storm blowing thru tonight, nice to see the rain, but the japanese maples are not digging the wind.